Thomas Graichen

A Combined In/Outdoor Map for Android

A Seamless Indoor and Outdoor Map Viewer for OSM Data and its Implementation


Although the OSM community has realized several indoor projects, an Android application for viewing indoor maps remains unavailable. As part of an electric mobility project, the group at TU Chemnitz has developed an application that fills this gap.

The concept and an overview of the chosen implementation shall be presented here. The talk will focus in particular on the usage of the mapsforge library, which is widely used for creating outdoor maps, and how it was applied to draw indoor maps. The indoor data itself is described with the scheme proposed by Marcus Goetz.

Furthermore future developments and possible usage scenarios for this map application are presented.

About the author

Thomas Graichen studied information engineering at the Technische Universität Chemnitz. He is currently member of the scientific staff of the Chair for Circuit and System Design, interested in hiking, biking and therefore in OSM outdoor maps, too.