Stefan Keller

State of the Kort Game

The First OpenStreetMap Mobile Mini Game Goes Public


Kort ist a mobile web app to fix OpenStreetMap data. It runs on the most commond browsers. The app uses the concept of gamification. Game-like elements like points (so called 'Koins') are collected by the players by fulfilling a mission, like adding names to POIs without one. All proposed solutions are validated by other players. If 3 players aggreed on a proposal it is integrated on OpenStreetMap.

This is a report about our efforts to let volunteers contribute additional mission types. Besides restructions of mission types and internal refactoring issues, the main question is, how to design the user and machine-oriented interface.

About the author

The author is professor for information systems at the University for Applied Sciences (UAS/HSR) in Rapperswil (Switzerland). He leads the (OSGeo) Geometa Lab at Institute for Software. He teaches database management systens as well as geographic information systems (GIS) at Bachelor and Master level, as well as in advanced studies. In his projects often Open Source and volunteered geographic information (VGI, crowdsourcing) play a role - but not only.