Maxim Rylov
Cartographically Plausible Label Placement
A Multi-criteria Model for Good Point-label Placement on OSM Maps
The cartographic label placement is a very important aspect of a map production. This task is essential for both traditional and automated cartography. Every OSM-based map is annotated using a labeling algorithm in one of the existing toolkits for rendering maps. However, none of these algorithms is able to take into account a rich set of well-established cartographic guidelines for feature annotation used by human cartographers. Assigning names to point-features is one of the map lettering tasks.
In our talk we present an approach, expressed as a multi- criteria optimization model, that complies with almost all well-defined cartographic placement principles and requirements for point-feature label placement. We show how this approach allows significantly increase toponym density on an OSM-based map without effecting readability and legibility.